21 day fix meal plan

Red, blue, green, orange, purple, yellow… Colors for containers and a meal plan to go with it. 21 day fix meal plan simplifies the sometimes overwhelming and complicated clean eating meal plans. It’s really simple. Determine your allotted calories for the day and meal prep for that amount. Let’s start with the breakdown of the containers:

  • 1 Green Container:  Vegetables
  • 1 Purple Container:  Fruits
  • 1 Red Container: Proteins
  • 1Yellow Container:  Carbohydrates
  • 1 Blue Container: Healthy Fats and Cheeses
  • 2 Orange Containers: Seeds and dressings
  • 1 Shakeology Cup: For Mixing Drinks

7 different containers are included in the plan. You are allowed a set number of certain color coded containers per day. First, we need to determine our allotted calories.

To determine your target calories:

  • Your current weight (lbs) x 11 = Your baseline
  • Your baseline + 400 (it’s the Fix calorie burn) = Your caloric need
  • Your caloric need – 750 (calorie deficit) = Your target calories.

Let’s see my example.

  • My current weight is 150 pounds
  • 150 pounds (my current weight) x 11 = 1650 (my baseline)
  • 1650 (my baseline) + 400 = 2050 -> my caloric need
  • 2050 (my caloric need) – 750 = 1300-> My target Calories
  • My target calories is 1300

Now, figure out your target calories. If that number happens to be below 1200, stick with the 1200 plan. If it is above 2300, stick with the 2300 plan.

(This is a great graphic below, courtesy of Beach Ready Now)

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The first thing most of my challengers tell me is that they feel like they are eating WAY TOO MUCH FOOD. I get it. We have all been restricted ourselves to “diet” in order to hopefully lose some weight and keep it off. However, we then allow ourselves to “binge” (for a lack of a better word) on unhealthy foods because we’ve been restricting so much. Does this sound familiar? I know it was my life for some time. I still struggle. But, that’s the point. Keep trying. Realize that even though it seems  like a lot of food, in reality it is just enough to help keep your metabolism burning and calorie burn going. Also, remember that it is HEALTHY food. It takes a lot more healthy food to make up those calories that it does the unhealthy food.

Timing of your eating is also important. Plan to eat 3 meals and 2-3 snacks. You will need to do this in order to get ALL your calories in. Also, don’t forget the water. Drinking water throughout the day will help with satiety as well as has a bunch of amazing benefits beyond that.

TIP: Also, it is recommended to consume an extra  green container if you are feeling hungry between meals. Vegetables are always a good choice!!

Image result for 21 day fix container meal plan

(courtesy of Days to Fitness)

Meal prepping is always the way to go. Check out my post on meal prepping here! Also, check back for recipe ideas that will fit into this container plan. Start with a plan. Find 2-3 recipes that you will want to make over the next week, as well as your snacks that will be easy to grab and go. Then make a grocery list. Check out the foods inside the 21 day fix meal plan book and plan off of that. It will keep you on track and only buying foods you know you can have. And, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS eat before you go grocery shopping. Am I the only one who buys a bunch of random foods/treats/snacks if I’m hungry while grocery shopping?? It’s BAD! Also, BeachBody blog has some AMAZING recipes and meal plans on their site here. I have used this A LOT.

Some other great resources are on the internet and it makes it easy to meal plan. Just google 21 day fix meal plan and you will be inundated with resources! Also, if you want to purchase the fixate cookbook for $19.95, it has some great options and delicious recipes available. You can purchase that here It honestly is a fantastic resource of fix approved recipes that will keep you on track and change things up. Sometimes that is the most important!

Image result for fixate

Hope you all found this useful. This meal plan is a gateway to clean eating and will get you on the right track. It’s portion controlled, focusing on whole foods that will supplement your workout regimen. It is definitely worth a try. I think you will get great results and feel great, too!

💋 xoxo
*** These are only recommendations. These recommendations should NOT be taken as medical advice, nor are they intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any health problem. Recommendations provided are not intended to replace the advice of a physician or health professional. Please consult your physician or health professional before beginning any diet or exercise program ***

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